President Biden refuses to protect the lives of unborn children.  By doing this he says unborn children should not be protected by the law in the same way that he himself is protected and millions of other American are protected by the law from murder. President Biden's life is protected by the Secret Service, the Army, the Air force and all the armed forces if necessary.  But he doesn't believe the law should protect little babies who have no Secret Service and no military protection.  He ignores God's Fifth Commandment, Thou Shalt Not Kill.  A Commandment is an order from God,  the highest authority, to protect all innocent lives.  Its not a suggestion, its an order.

But at one time when Joe Biden was a Senator in the United States after Roe vs. Wade was put into law by our Supreme Court,  said this:  “I don’t like the decision. I think it went too far,” he said, adding that a woman didn’t have “the sole right to say what should happen to her body” when carrying an unborn child".  He voted in 1977 to support the Hyde Amendment which banned federal funding for abortions.  He also voted several times for  the Helms Amendment which stops foreign funding for abortion.  He wrote and passed the ‘Biden Amendment,’ which bans federal funding for foreign abortion research; which has been in every spending bill since 1981.  In 1982, Biden voted for a constitutional amendment to restrict and ban abortion.  So back then he knew that abortion was murder and that it should be banned or restricted.


But he has hardened his heart against God's Fifth commandment which demands the protection of all innocent lives.  Only in war or in the necessity of self protection from an enemy do people have the right to take a life.


By allowing abortion, President Biden, is supporting what the Catholic Church has always said, that abortion is  a Mortal Sin which leads people into the Eternal Fires of Hell.  He is not guarding the souls of Americans from going to Hell. 


Because God has an absolute hatred for the grievous sin of abortion and  sends major punishment upon Nations for this horrific sin, President Biden opens up our country to the most horrific punishment from Almighty God.


Saint Faustina Kowalska said in Her Diary, that God was going to destroy the City of Warsaw for its many sins including abortion in 1935:

She wrote in her diary that Jesus Himself said that He was about to destroy one of the most beautiful cities of our country like Sodom was destroyed on account of the crimes perpetrated there.  Having read about these things in the Diary, Blessed Fr. Michael Sopocko, her spiritual director,  asked her what does the prophecy mean?  She answered confirming what she wrote and replying to a further question of mine, on account of what kind of sins God was going to inflict these punishments.  She answered: especially for the killing of infants not yet born, the most grievous crime of all.

The Nazi destroyed Warsaw, Poland in the 1940's - a just punishment for the sin of abortion.


If you want the United States to be protected from the the terrible Wrath of Almighty God, do not vote for Pro-abortion, Joe Biden or any congressman or candidates running for office who support the Pro-Choice lies and threaten the lives of little children.